BID® Daily Newsletter
Apr 2, 2018

BID® Daily Newsletter

Apr 2, 2018

The Impacts Of Community Banks - 1 of 4

Summary: Community banks make an impact in their communities all year long. We honor some of them today for Community Banking Month.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy reports the largest charitable donations of 2017 were from Bill and Melinda Gates ($4.6B), Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan ($1.9B), Michael Dell ($1.0B), Henry Hillman ($800mm), and Herbert and Florence Irving ($600mm).
Like these great philanthropic givers, community banks also give back all the time to their communities. Also, since April is Community Banking Month, we want to recognize some of the impactful ways community banks are supporting local businesses, nonprofit organizations and others.
In February, we asked banks to share their stories of community support and outreach programs. We received many wonderful stories. Unfortunately, we are unable to publish all of the stories we received, as there were so many. However, we will be sharing many of these stories each week throughout April.
Today, we are highlighting some of the important projects that community banks accomplished in partnership with the local chapters of several national nonprofit organizations. You may find you are doing many of these same activities within your community or you may get some new ideas. Either way, take pride in knowing that we are all community bankers that do good within our communities.
Boys and Girls' Club
  • The Prime Meridian Bank of FL executive team delivered holiday gifts, served dinner at the BGC holiday party, and mentors BGC children. The bank also matched donations.
  • Suncrest Bank of CA had an all-staff event with children of the local BGC, where they built bicycles, quality tested them and rode an obstacle course. The bikes were donated to the local BGC.
Habitat for Humanity
  • Peoples Bank in WA awarded its inaugural Impact Grant of $25k for a much needed van to transport volunteers and tools.
  • Employees of Generations Bank of NY built and restored homes while the bank also coordinates an annual golf tournament.
Humane Society
  • Employees of Golden Valley Bank in CA built a shed for the expansion of animal vaccinations and raised over $12k.
Red Cross
  • Stearns Bank of MN donated $250k to the Red Cross First Responder Program after Hurricane's Harvey and Irma.
  • Community Business of CA contributed through the Red Cross to help bank customers affected by Napa County fires and Oroville Dam evacuation.
United Way
  • First Interstate Bank of MT and its employees donated almost $25k to United Way last year. Employees donated an average of $210, much of which was through auto payroll deduction.
  • Citizens Union Bank in KY donated over $45K, some of which was collected through a 2 week internal campaign with prizes.
Stay tuned for more stories next week!
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