BID® Daily Newsletter
Apr 24, 2018

BID® Daily Newsletter

Apr 24, 2018

Translating Media Interview Tips

Summary: Bank executives can be media savvy. But, are you getting the most out of your media opportunities? We show you how.

According to the site, the most popular languages in the world (determined by both native and acquired language speakers) are English, Mandarin, Spanish, Hindustanti and Arabic. Here in the US, the languages spoken at home by the most people are English (79.6%), Spanish (13.5%), Chinese (Mandarin/Cantonese 1.1%), Tagalog (Filipino 0.6%) and Vietnamese (0.5%). For what it is worth, English speaking translators say the most difficult language to learn is Mandarin.
For their part, bankers speak to the media in order to boost exposure for the bank and to get free publicity. To get the best return on your time and effort, it can be important to pick the right opportunities and then make the most of them. Here are some things to think about in this regard:
Do the homework. Choose interview opportunities that show your knowledge and experience, but don't be afraid to do some research on the topic. It will ensure you're up to date and familiar with details.
Research the interviewer. Google or LinkedIn can give you a sense of a writer or reporter, past experience, and the kind of articles they typically write. A little pre-work can help you find commonalities and build rapport.
Supply basic facts. Information about your bank such as revenue, number of customers, number of employees, and the location of your corporate headquarters are all questions you should expect to hear for background.
Ask them questions. Most reporters are happy to tell you something about the article's theme, which may be definite or under development. The more you know, the better a resource you can be.
Know what to say. Many reporters offer their subjects a broad outline of what the interview will cover or a few sample questions. Be ready to respond to that theme and questions, making notes about the key messages you would like to talk about in advance. Don't be afraid to say that you don't know the answer to a specific question. Offer to find out and get back to the reporter, if you can.
Think before speaking. You can ask the reporter to keep something off the record or use it for background only, without attribution, but care should be taken here. You'll also increase the chances that the reporter will use material from your interview, when you speak on the record and for attribution. Choose the language you use to talk about sensitive topics carefully.
Offer your own ideas. Address industry trends or mention other developments that might interest the reporter. Publications face a constant pressure to come up with new content, so they're happy to find sources with ideas, even when those ideas don't pertain to the current interview.
Speak slower. Reporters take notes, so be sure to be clear and concise. If you're part of a group interview where multiple people are speaking, identify yourself before you say something. It's a helpful way to make sure that your quotes are attributed to you in the published piece.
Promote published articles. Use it on your bank's website and social media platforms, and highlight it in sales and investor presentations, as appropriate. When you're quoted, an outside person is recognizing you as an expert in your field. Make the most of that endorsement - it can go a long way.
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