Banking Out Loud
Podcast for Bankers | Latest Trends & Developments in the Banking Community

A podcast for community financial institution bankers looking for candid and unbiased conversations among bankers and other experts in the banking community covering an array of informative and relevant banking topics.



Harnessing the Potential of Generative AI in Banking
Episode 19 (00:36:55)
In this episode, we're joined by Kendra Ramirez, CEO of KR Digital Agency and an expert in Artificial Intelligence (AI), to explore the far-reaching impacts of AI across industries, focusing on how to harness the potential of generative AI in banking.
Accelerating Faster Payments Success–Insights from PCBB & Fiserv
Episode 18 (00:25:06)
In this episode of Banking Out Loud, Fiserv payments experts Paul Sullivan and Justin Jackson join PCBB’s payments expert Sheila Noll to discuss the rapidly evolving faster payments landscape. Their conversation touches on the importance of strategic thinking and collaboration with partners, while also driving home the need to view faster payments as an opportunity to better serve customers and differentiate your institution.
Performance Review Tips That Really Work
Episode 17 (00:41:51)
In this episode of Banking Out Loud, hear discussions on the value of performance reviews and how to effectively prepare for them with Laurie Battaglia, CEO of Aligned at Work. Laurie touches on the importance of the performance review format and frequency, shares tips for employees on how to prepare, the role of managers, the importance of continuous improvement in the performance review process and more.
Preventing Cyber Attacks–Insights from a US Secret Service Agent
Episode 16 (00:35:34)
We sit down with Stephen Dougherty of the US Secret Service to hear insights for preventing cyber attacks. Our discussion explores who is vulnerable and types of cybercrime, including BEC schemes, romance scams, work-from-home scams, deep fakes and more. Stephen also provides tips for preventing cybercrime, and reporting suspicious activity to law enforcement or relevant authorities.
The Art of Intentional and Successful Communication
Episode 15 (00:28:58)
Intentional and successful communication are discussed with guest Alyson Van Hooser, a keynote speaker and trainer focused on multi-generational leadership. Alyson shares tips emphasizing the need for intentional communication and understanding the stories of others, and her three-step listening technique to improve and ensure the results.
Strategy Before Structure: A Roadmap for Success
Episode 14 (00:41:27)
In this episode of Banking Out Loud, we discuss the importance of putting strategy before structure when launching new products, services, and strategic initiatives with guest Ryan Canin, CEO and Co-Founder of DocFox.
Achieving Disney-level Customer Service
Episode 13 (00:32:29)
Excellent customer service can be a crucial differentiator for businesses. Done well it can help your institution attract and retain customers and drive bottom-line results. Join us as Dennis Snow walks us through proven principals for delivering outstanding customer experiences.
All About Crypto and Blockchain Technology
Episode 12 (00:31:42)
Podcast about the different types of digital assets, current regulation as well as thoughts on what could be next. We also explore blockchain technology with a look at current and potential uses related to banking.
Sticky Business: Increasing Customer Loyalty
Episode 11 (00:30:41)
It's always a good time to focus on keeping your customers happy and loyal. In this episode of Banking Out Loud, we discuss ways to increase customer loyalty and offer 3 tips to get started and also key mistakes to avoid.
CECL Case Study: From In-House to Outsourced (Micro-cast)
Episode 10 (00:08:35)
Chief Credit Officer, Michael Kerr of First Federal Bank shares his experience with CECL, and why his institution ultimately decided to outsource CECL, after starting off in-house.
Extraordinary Sales Results: Tips, Mistakes, The Value Equation
Episode 9 (00:36:18)
Archie Kelley, Managing Principal of SalesPhysics and creator of The Value Equation, joins us to discuss his sales technique aimed at creating a pathway to extraordinary sales results. Archie explains how value is at the core of successful selling, and provides three tips to boost success and three mistakes to avoid.
The Evolution of Real-Time Payments: Part 2 - What's Next?
Episode 8 (00:30:01)
In this part 2 of our payments episode series, host Sonia Portwood sits down with PCBB's Allen Sztukowski to discuss what the future of real-time payments looks like.  Including the soon-to-launch FedNow program, anticipated technology and functionality changes, and tips to help you prepare.
Mind, Body & Banking
Episode 7 (00:36:54)
Host Sonia Portwood sits down with executive coach and leadership consultant Dr. Susan Bernstein, to discuss managing – and even harnessing – anxiety and stress in order to confidently navigate today’s ever-changing (banking) landscape.
The Evolution of Real-Time Payments: Part 1 - Then and Now
Episode 5 (00:30:39)
A discussion with PCBB's Allen Sztukowski, an active participant in the efforts to modernize real-time payments, on how the payments space has changed over the years, and what efforts are being made today to modernize it.
CECL – Beyond Implementation, Part 2
Episode 4 (00:23:09)
Part 2 of our 2-part series on CECL discusses getting started with CECL, and the use of spreadsheets. Andy Hines, Chief Lending Officer, and EVP at The Bank of Glen Burnie, joins us again to share his insights on getting started with CECL, his thoughts on spreadsheets, and more.
CECL - Beyond Implementation, Part 1
Episode 3 (00:33:48)
Part 1 of our 2-part series on CECL covers data organization and explaining CECL results to stakeholders. We sit down with Andy Hines, Chief Lending Officer, and EVP at The Bank of Glen Burnie, for his insights on both.
Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
Episode 2 (00:34:42)
Machine learning and AI is by no means a small topic. It's constantly changing and evolving. In this episode, hosts Virginia Robbins and Sonia Portwood talk with PCBB's Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) expert Shiva Sandy to discuss ways to leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning - the opportunities and the challenges.
About Banking Out Loud
Episode 1 (00:04:20)
Discover what PCBB’s podcast, Banking Out Loud, is all about in this sneak peek episode.
Hosted by
Sonia Portwood
EVP, Sales and Marketing | PCBB
Nancy Ozawa
Chief Marketing Officer | PCBB
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