International Banking

May 22, 2024
Recognizing the increasing importance of global transactions, this paper provides six strategies and actionable takeaways to help nurture the international growth of your small business customers.
Sep 21, 2020
Cross-border payments are changing and business owners expect to transfer money quickly. Swift GPI allows community financial institutions to meet their customers’ needs and generate additional fee income for their institution.
Case Studies
Jul 1, 2018
Learn how PCBB helped a community bank provide international services with simplified and streamlined transactions all while maintaining a commitment to premium service and support.
Jul 16, 2024
Hosted by PCBB and Fiserv, industry peers from a panel of community financial institutions will share their firsthand experiences clearing Canadian checks with PCBB and the Fiserv Clearing Network. Gain insights from both an operational and financial perspective as our guests discuss faster settlement times and the elimination of shipping costs — all without the additional investment in new equipment.
Mar 15, 2017
We will cover how FX Forward Contracts work, the benefits to your customers and to your bank. When dealing with small margins as a small international business, the fluctuations of international currencies can make it hard to plan for success. Join PCBB to discuss locking in foreign exchange rates for settlement at a future date.
Economic Indicators
May 4, 2022
Bottom Line:   The US trade deficit widened even more than expected in March as both imports and exports rose sharply amid higher prices. As the war in Ukraine and sanctions on Russia started, the US imported more finished metal products...
Jul 7, 2022
Bottom Line:   The U.S. trade deficit declined slightly for the second month in May as exports rose more than imports. Crude oil exports led to the improvement on the export side as feeds, especially soybeans, declined. Industrial supplies were higher...
Aug 4, 2022
Bottom Line:   The US trade deficit declined slightly for the third month in June as exports rose and imports fell slightly. The goods trade deficit improved sharply in the final months of the 2nd Quarter as consumer demand slowed and...
Oct 5, 2022
Bottom Line:   The US trade deficit declined for the fifth consecutive month in August as imports fell modestly and exports only fell slightly with the goods sectors driving the changes. Crude oil imports drove the declines in imports, but we...
Nov 3, 2022
Bottom Line:   The US trade deficit grew more negative for the first time in six months as imports increased moderately and exports slipped. Apple's new iPhone boosted consumer goods imports in September as pharmaceutical products, semiconductors, and civilian aircraft also...
BID Newsletters
Jun 1, 2021
Your international business customers need to manage risk, both interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk. Educating them on hedging and how it can mitigate these risks will not only help your customers, but solidify your customer relationships and allow you to grow income. We walk you through a potential scenario with a customer as they invest in equipment built overseas and how hedging can provide predictability and mitigate risk.
Mar 1, 2022
Looking for international business customers? You don’t need to look far. Many reside in your communities, but in places that you may not consider. According to JPMorgan Chase, 14% of SMBs plan on expanding beyond US borders in the next 3Ys. We uncover three places to find SMBs needing international services.
Mar 8, 2022
Some community financial institutions may not think that cross-border remittances are in demand in their communities. Yet, in its November report, the World Bank projected growth of 7.3% of remittance payment volume in 2021. Could some of this spill over into your footprint? Here are three ways to successfully provide remittance services.
Jan 19, 2023
Supply chain financing had already gained speed prior to the pandemic, but activity has picked up substantially over the past two years. What CFIs should know about the rise in supply chain financing and why they may want to consider adding it into the fold.
Feb 6, 2019
Although some central banks are researching and testing distributed ledger technology (DLT), there is still a lot of work to be done. We give you an update.