Items include

data analytics

Jan 24, 2024
How community financial institutions can maximize their relationships and compete in the deposit rate environment using profitability analysis and relationship modeling.
BID Newsletters
May 23, 2024
Data mining isn’t new, but financial institutions are finding new ways of using it to provide retailers with more effective marketing options and an added revenue source for themselves. We review one such high-profile service and what it could mean for data usage in the future.
Jan 29, 2024
Without the right tools and analytical approach, customer data is unlikely to have any significant impact on CFIs’ overall profitability. But when artificial intelligence is used to help segment data into meaningful information, there are multiple ways it can be used to help organizations enhance their relationships with existing customers and boost their overall profitability.
Jun 26, 2023
CFIs have a treasure trove of customer data, including payment data. By analyzing such information, you can more effectively offer personalized marketing messages that customers have come to expect. We explore how you can better leverage your customers’ payment data.
Jan 24, 2023
Data mining has become increasingly important for tailoring products and services to the needs and desires of customers. But not all data is created equal and CFIs should take steps to utilize customer information that others do not have access to.
Oct 6, 2022
Financial institutions are increasingly using carbon calculators and other carbon footprint features to help customers better understand the environmental impact of their purchases and behave more sustainably. We provide an overview of these technologies and look at some of the benefits they offer CFIs.
Nov 20, 2019
Big Data may help you with your capital development operations. We provide you with a few ideas.