Items include

international payments

Case Studies
Jul 1, 2018
Learn how PCBB helped a community bank provide international services with simplified and streamlined transactions all while maintaining a commitment to premium service and support.
Jul 16, 2024
Hosted by PCBB and Fiserv, industry peers from a panel of community financial institutions will share their firsthand experiences clearing Canadian checks with PCBB and the Fiserv Clearing Network. Gain insights from both an operational and financial perspective as our guests discuss faster settlement times and the elimination of shipping costs — all without the additional investment in new equipment.
BID Newsletters
Mar 6, 2024
ISO 20022, a new messaging standard by the International Organization for Standardization, enhances communication between financial institutions and customers. Benefits include improved fraud prevention, AML/KYC practices, and efficiency in payment processing. As the November 2025 deadline for compliance looms, we discuss why starting migration now is of benefit to you.
Dec 18, 2023
The need for speed has become a central goal for cross-border payments. Smaller businesses stand to benefit from improvements. We discuss how cross-border payments can be used to encourage customer loyalty.
Jun 20, 2023
The volatility of the foreign exchange rate market can be challenging on your small business customers that do business internationally. We explore FX forward contracts as an option you can offer to provide more certainty in this area, thereby increasing customer loyalty.